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your organizational structure getting in the way of completing projects?
When your current organizational structure no longer fits your business
mission, the structure needs to change. When the business environment
shifts, your company may need to reposition itself in the market. Your
business plan may require the number of employees to grow or shrink. Your
company may be looking at itself to find ways to improve basic business
processes. You can change your organizational structure to better meet your
business mission, to better match processes to resources, or to maximize
task efficiency.
Before making any change, it is important to explore your options. Serengeti
Enterprises can provide guidance with the analysis of your current situation
and help develop options for revitalizing organizational relationships. Once
the new structure is identified, Serengeti Enterprises can assist with the
implementation of the new organizational design.
Analysis of the current situation includes assessments to identify which of
your business processes are working well and which are ineffective. Through
written surveys, observation, and discussion with the stakeholders,
Serengeti Enterprises provides a context of how different parts of the
organization work within the whole entity. The assessments give the client
valuable information with which to define or refine the goals or desired
outcome of reorganization.
Because it is sometimes difficult to see the forest for the trees, Serengeti
Enterprises can facilitate the process of envisioning the future by bringing
an outside perspective to brainstorming sessions. Based on the assessment of
the current situation and a variety of "best practices," multiple options
for restructuring can be mapped and reviewed for effectiveness. The client
always makes the final decision about the future structure from the
generated options.
Implementing organizational change is not as simple as circulating a new
"org chart." People react to any change in different ways. The workers may
need assistance accepting the new systems. Serengeti Enterprises will help
the client plan and present the new organizational structure to minimize
resistance and maximize buy-in from staff members.