What I am Reading Now:
Leadership and the Sexes: Using Gender Science to
Create Success, 2008
by Michael Gurian and Barbara Annis
Suggested Reading for Team Dynamics:
Blanchard, Lacinak, Tompkins, Ballard; Whale Done!: The
Power of Positive Relationships, 2002
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi; Flow: The Psychology of the
Optimal Experience, 1990
Jim Collins; Good to Great, Why
Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t,
Richard Koch; The Natural Laws of Business,
Malcolm Gladwell; Outliers, 2008
Daniel Goleman; Social Intelligence: The New Science of
Human Relationships, 2006
John Gray, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus,
Dan & Chip Heath; Made to Stick, 2008
Rob Lebow; Randy Spitzer; Accountability: Freedom and
Responsibility without Control, 2002
Monty Roberts; Horse Sense for People, 2001
Stone, Patton, Heen; Difficult Conversations: How to
Discuss What Matters Most, 1999
Deborah Tannen; You Just Don’t Understand: Men and
Women in Conversation, 1990
Margaret J. Wheatley; Leadership and the New Science,
Suggested Reading for Leadership:
Dan Ariely; Predictably
Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, 2008
Ken Blanchard; Situational Leadership II: Information
Set, 1998
Stephen Covey; Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,
Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce
Patton; Getting to Yes, 1991
Malcolm Gladwell; Blink: The
Power of Thinking without Thinking, 2005
Seth Godin; Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us,
Daniel Goleman; Working with Emotional Intelligence,
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of
the Highly Improbable, 2007
William Ury, Getting Past No,
William Ury, The Power of a
Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes, 2007