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Adventure Seminars | Meeting Facilitation | Team Tips

Quirky's Quality Construction Company | Dingling Brothers Circus Train | Skill Development Safaris

Bring a change of pace, a change of awareness, and a change of view into the classroom, boardroom, or meeting space with one of the Adventure Seminars. Like outdoor adventure-based training, each of the Adventure Seminars increases interpersonal skills (also known as emotional intelligence) by moving people out of their normal routine and engaging participants in ways that a sit-down meeting or training cannot. These Adventure Seminars encourage people to participate in the learning process for themselves. By bringing the "adventure" indoors, the lessons that come out of the training are more easily related to the workplace.

Adventure Seminars are selected, or custom designed, to meet the specific needs of the client group. The activities range in length from 1 - 6 hours, always ending with a debriefing session to reflect on and capture lessons that apply directly to the workplace. Several shorter activities can be combined to complete a half-day or full day training requirement. Adventure Seminars can focus on behavior in one or several of the following areas:

Articulating a common goal
Communication: Listening
Communication: Forming messages
Conflict resolution
Ethics in the workplace
Finding alternatives in planning
Planning for change
Problem solving
Strategic planning
Supportive teamwork
Team coordination
Working as one team

Adventure Seminars can meet specific training goals, spark an energetic start to a business meeting, or integrate a series of conference sessions.

A sampling of activities is briefly described below. Many more are available:

Quirky’s Quality Construction Company: The Leonard Egg Project

Dingling Brothers Circus Train

Skill Development Safaris

Identical Highrises
Global Bank and Trust houses its operations exclusively in office buildings with two identical highrise buildings. The Bank is growing so fast that it is looking for the fastest way to build their signature buildings all over the world. Participants form teams from different part of the world to compete to create the plan that allows for the shortest construction time. Teams must create and document plans to meet the building requirements, and then test their plans through timed construction of the buildings. Staffing and requirement changes challenge the team’s methods and plans, honing the participants’ ability to foresee and document risk and change management in their real life projects.

Business Behavior Focus: Strategic planning, planning for change, team coordination, problem-solving, communications, cooperation/collaboration

Rack ‘em Up
Participants decide how to use the human resources of the team between two roles, Production and Support, to maximize profits for the company. The Production people toss "products" into containers to rack up dollar value income for the company. The Support people return non-income generating "products" to the Production people for recycling as income "products." The team records four "quarters" of income, with the opportunity to change the strategic plan based on observation of which parts of the previous plan worked well and which didn’t.

Business Behavior Focus: Strategic planning, communication, meeting facilitation, decision-making, problem solving, cooperation/collaboration

Bored of Directors
The team’s goal is to assemble four squares of four different colors. The director can’t move from the headquarters office, the managers can’t touch anything, and the workers can’t see what the materials look like. Participants soon learn from experience how effective communication and organization lead to the successful completion of a project or task.

Business Behavior Focus: communication, articulating a common goal, team coordination, problem solving, strategic planning

Bull’s Eye
Participants form sub-teams to fill a central container with objects. Each sub-team chooses how to allocate personnel into one of two roles: Tossers or Retrievers. The Tossers throw objects into the central container from a stationary position. The Retrievers move about returning any objects that miss the central container. Any other strategy that the sub-teams wish to use is up to their creativity in order to accomplish the goal. There is a preliminary planning session, a period of "work" activity, a break for strategy revision, and a final period of "work." Results are measured and compared for outcome evaluation of success.

Business Behavior Focus: Working together as one team, articulating a common goal, team coordination, cooperation/collaboration, communications, ethics in the workplace


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