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About Serengeti Enterprises | About Trust-Motivated Environments | About Michael R. Van Dyke Why name a communications and team-focused organization after a place in Africa?
The Serengeti Plain, lying west of the Great Rift Valley in Africa has served as home to myriads of interdependent species for thousands of years. It is the place of origin of the earliest human, Lucy. It is bordered by Lake Victoria, the source of the Nile River, which nourished one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, the Egyptian civilization. It is overlooked by Mount Kilimanjaro, Africas highest peak and home of ancient peoples gods. And it holds the first wildlife management preserve in Africa, specifically to protect the King of Beasts, the lion.
This landscape, not unlike todays business environment, holds the promise of abundance for its inhabitants. The plants and animals of the Serengeti depend on one another for life. In the corporate world, this interdependency is reflected in the relationship between clients, vendors and business organizations. In the wild, the inhabitants of the Serengeti are subject to the whims of nature and must adapt or cease to exist. Similarly, business teams must learn to adapt quickly to changes in their economic environment or perish. Unlike in the wild, the means for both survival and success in todays shifting corporate world are intelligent collaboration, effective communication and strategic planning.
Using innovative perspectives and sound
management practices, Serengeti Enterprises assists corporate organizations grow in
todays business environment. |
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